Sezione zoologica Mondo animale
The Civic Museum of Bassano del Grappa also owns some important historical naturalistic collections, acquired during the 19th century. For numbers and reputation the geo-paleontological Brocchi-Parolini collection stands out; this collection is also linked to several botanical collections, and among these the biggest one is the Parolini’s Herbarium, with its 15,000 specimens. In more recent times new collections have been added to the historical ones: botanical and entomological collections and a big zoological collection with hundreds of birds specimens from the western ancient arctic and dozens of mammals from several continents.
From 2006 the Museum preserves in the Bonaguro palace also some zoological specimens entrusted by the Cites Service of the Italian Forestry Corps; these specimens are displayed in the exhibition “Animal World: Knowing it to protect”.