Prisgiona Nuraghe is an archaeological site (occupied by XIV up to the ninth century BC), located in the Valley of Capichera, in the municipality of Arzachena. The...
Located just outside the town of Arzachena, looks like an impressive structure, even if the upper floor partially collapsed. It 'made of rough granite blocks, and...
The Necropolis, dated to the second half of the fourth millennium BC and due to the Arzachena culture, is composed by five lytic cases, four of which are surrounded...
The Neolithic necropolis of Li Muri is the most famous archaeological site in the wide area of Arzachena for its peculiar sepulchres. Discovered in 1939, it consists...
The Nuragic complex overlooks a large area in Capichera locality. The dimension of the nuraghe, its complexity and architectonical features attest the peculiarity...
The Malchittu temple is part of a Nuragic complex (15th-10th century BC), which consists of a big round hut, a nuraghe and a series of sepultures into natural...
The funeral monuments of Nuragic Sardinia (15th- 10th century BC) are represented by megalithic sepultures called %u201Ctombe dei giganti%u201D (literally...
The funeral monuments of Nuragic Sardinia (15th-10th century BC) are represented by megalithic sepultures called %u201Ctombe dei giganti%u201D (literally...
Albucciu nuragic complex is located a few kilometers from the town of Arzachena, in "Malchittu", and consists of a dolmen, a village of round huts and a Tomb of the...