Luogo - Museum
The Museum of Wool, founded in 1993 on the initiative of the researcher Michele Rak, is set inside a building erected in 1901, meant to become the town slaughter-house; it collects tools and document of the pastoral tradition in Scanno and in the Sagittario Valley from 1850 to 1930. The collection is divided in three thematic areas: a shepherd's everyday life, the sheep-farming and the shoemaker's trade. The first subject is exemplified with victuals, kitchen-utensils and tools for wool-manufacturing, and with the furniture of a bed-room; the sheep-rearing is illustrated through the shepherds' tools: wood spoons, shears for the sheep-clipping, tools for cheese production. As concerns the shoemaking, the museum puts on display all the tools used by a cobbler who worked in Scanno in the XX century. The Museum co-operates with the Center of Studies for the image of the Abruzzi, which studies the system for manufacturing cloths, wood and metals all over the region.