Destinazioni - Comune

San Potito Sannitico

Where San Potito Sannitico (Caserta)
San Potito Sannitico is a comune (municipality) in the Province of Caserta in the Italian region Campania, located about 60 kilometres (37 mi) north of Naples and about 30 kilometres (19 mi) north of Caserta. It escaped physical damage from bombing or ground fighting during the second world war, but it had been used as a mustering base for 2nd Battalion Coldstream Guards, who were joined there on 28 March 1944 by 'S' Company Scots Guards.These units were in the town of Cassino when the German army withdrew on 17–18 May. In the battle of Monte Piccolo on 27 May 1944, 'S' Company and the 2nd Coldstreams suffered heavy casualties clearing the defending 14 Kompanie, 4th Regiment, Fallschirmjager Division 1 from the hill so that Route 6 could be opened up for the advance on Rome. References External links ITALY:Campania: San Potito Sannitico Baptism Records, 1697-1795, San Potito Sannitico, Italy -International Records[1]
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