Destinazioni - Comune
Pisticci (Matera)
Pisticci is a town comune in the province of Matera, in the Southern Italian region of Basilicata. It's the fourth town of the region for citizen and the most populated of the province after Matera.
Saints Peter and Paul Mother Church
The church was built on the site of a pre-existing church from 1212 with a remaining bell tower and two stained glass windows. In 1542 the church was expanded by the addition of two extra aisles. The construction was by Pietro and Antonio Laviola, two brothers who were accused of murder in Mantova.
The church is in Romanesque-Renaissance style with an angled roof and built in the shape of a Latin cross. There are three aisles. On the left and right there are small chapels under which there are buried local important people. Each chapel has a statue sculptured by Salvatore Sacquegna. The walls are decorated with 18th-century pictures painted by Domenico Guarino. In particular the Our Lady of Mount Carmel, Madonna del Pozzo and the Mysteries of the Rosary.