Basilica Collegiata di San Sebastiano
The Collegiate Church of St. Sebastian is the most important building of Acireale, declared "National Monument". Built between 1609 and 1644, the Basilica was renovated several times, following the earthquakes, assuming the current appearance at the end of '700. The facade, built and designed by Angelo Bellofiore and Diego and Giovanni Flavetta, presents more orders and a frieze with fourteen putti holding festoons. The access to the church is characterized by a balustrade, by Giovan Battista Marini designed by Pietro Paolo Vasta (1754), with statues depicting characters of the Old Testament. The interior has a Latin cross, is rich in frescoes by Pietro Paolo Vasta (1732-1736); while the left side chapel was frescoed by Alessandro D'Anna. In the rooms adjacent to the sacristy is placed the Museum of the Treasure of the Basilica: the first room contains works of Sicilian manufacture, including a wax statue of the eighteenth century depicting Mary Child, oil on panel by Pietro Paolo Vasta depicting "Risen Christ" , the "Four Saints" and "the Sorrows", by Matthew Desired and the "Madonna of the Letter," by Giovanni Lo Coco; the second and third room house votive gathered in St. Sebastian, precious relics and sacred objects. The eighteenth-century crypt, part of the Museum, serves as conference and concerts.