Luogo - Museum

Museo della Scuola grande di San Giovanni Evangelista

Where San Polo, Venezia

The Confraternity, who takes care of the school and its traditions, it has long been committed to build its headquarters also in place for major international matches cultural and social significance. Taken this route the Great School hosts conferences, seminars and events, art exhibitions, concerts, while also making an updated service to the city of Venice. In doing so, the school fails to ask yourself to a level of absolute prestige and at the same time to acquire the means to restore and preserve the best of his valuable historic home. The school has also received recognition from the Veneto Region of the Museum of Local interest, and is therefore open to visitors on days when there are no events.

BIGLIETTI Scuola Grande + chiesa
Adulti: €8
Studenti under 26: €5
Scolaresche: €5
Bambini under 12 accompagnati da adulti: gratuità

BIGLIETTI solo Scuola Grande
Adulti: €5
Studenti under 26: €3
Scolaresche: €3
Bambini under 12 accompagnati da adulti: gratuità

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