Destinazioni - Comune


Where Perdasdefogu (Ogliastra)
Perdasdefogu is a comune (municipality) in the Province of Ogliastra in the Italian region Sardinia, located about 60 kilometres (37 mi) northeast of Cagliari and about 35 kilometres (22 mi) southwest of Tortolì. Perdasdefogu borders the following municipalities: Escalaplano, Jerzu, Ulassai, Tertenia. Close to Perdasdefogu is the Salto di Quirra rocket launch site. References External links perdasdefogu (Italian) Un paese tutto da scoprire (Italian) Flickr: Perdasdefogu - Foghesu (Italian) (Italian) Instituto Comprensivo Globale PERDASDEFOGU - Home (Italian) Arte Ceramica ASKòS Foghesu (Italian) Motoclubsangiorgio di Perdas (Italian)
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If you want to suggest a place to visit, an event, or if you want to tell us a story about Perdasdefogu, write an email

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