Destinazioni - Parchi Nazionali
Parco Nazionale delle Dolomiti Bellunesi (Sito UNESCO)
Sospirolo (Belluno)
National Park is included in the section "Pale di San Martino - San Lucano - Belluno Dolomites - Vette Feltrine" of Dolomites site, declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO in 2009. The Park includes the mountain groups of Feltrine Alps (Vette of Feltre, Cimonega, Pizzocco, Brendol, Agnelezze), Monti del Sole, Schiara, Talvéna, Prampèr and Spiz di Mezzodì. There are high-altitude karst areas and cliffs and debris slopes, ideal habitat for many high mountain species. The territorial variety of Park, which includes high mountain areas next to pastures, allows numerous animal species to find their habitat within the area.