MUSMA - Museo della Scultura Contemporanea Matera

via San Giacomo, Matera

Musma, the Museum of Contemporary Sculpture Matera, is located within the impressive framework of the 16th century Palazzo Pomarici, in the heart of the Sassi. This...

Sassi di Matera (Sito UNESCO)

Via Bruno Buozzi, 93, Matera

The Sassi are the historic city of Matera and form a complex urban center. The Sassi of Matera were entered in the list of "World Heritage" by UNESCO in 1993. The...

Cristo Redentore (Cristo di Maratea)

Via Castello, 1, Maratea (Potenza)

The Statue of Christ Redeemer, Maratea's symbol, is a colossal sculpture placed on the top of the St. Blase Mount. Made with a special mixture of cement and flakes...

Santuario della Madonna Nera di Viggiano

Via Roma, 57, Viggiano (Potenza)

The Shrine of the Black Madonna of the Holy Mount of Viggiano is 12 km away from the town, and is frequent place of pilgrimage. It was built probably in the...

Craco - Paese Fantasma

Strada Comunale Craco-Montalbano Jonico, 6, Craco (Matera)

In the sixties, the old town has experienced an evacuation that made it a veritable ghost town. However, the particular village of Craco has become a tourist...

Tempio delle Tavole Palatine

Strada Statale 106 Jonica, Bernalda (Matera)

Remains of monument are located Archaeological Park of Metaponto, more precisely on the last ripple of Givoni, ancient barrier islands, at the right bank...

Castello Aragonese

Piazza Umberto I', 21, Venosa (Potenza)

Built in 1470 by Duke Pirro del Balzo, it is an imposing building, with a square plant with four cylindrical towers. The coat of arms of the Del Balzo family, the...

Abbazia della Santissima Trinità (Complesso dell'Incompiuta)

Strada Provinciale 18 Ofantina, Venosa (Potenza)

The Complex of the Holy Trinity is one of the most important monument of Venosa, recognized "National Monument" since 1897. The original core consists of an early...

Abbazia di San Michele Arcangelo

Piazza del Popolo, Montescaglioso (Matera)

The Abbey of St. Michael the Archangel is the most important building in Montescaglioso, one of the most significant of Basilicata. It lies on the Greek Acropolis...

Chiesa di San Rocco

Piazza Roma, Montescaglioso (Matera)

The Church of St. Rocco dates back to the sixteenth century, and is located in Roma Square, in an area where they were found ancient Greek tombs. The building has a...